Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Don't Waste Your Food!

When you were a kid, you might have heard your parents or a family member say, "Don't play with your food!"  Though it may have seemed like a minor reprimand, wasting food is actually a serious issue.  In the United States alone, every year about 40 percent of all food is thrown away.  In our last blog post about Thanksgiving, we touched upon ways to reduce food waste.  Not wasting food is a very simple and easy step to living a green life.

Some simple tips to not waste your food:

1. Eliminate impulsive grocery store buys.
Impulsive buys are not only a huge waste of money but also a waste of food.  Only shop for food you know you will eat.

2. Make a grocery list.
So many people overbuy food.  Don't buy another box of pasta if you have one sitting in the pantry, or more eggs if the carton in your refrigerator is full.  Make a list on your phone and check off specifically what you need, so you can re-use your list again.

3. Check expiration dates.
Once you buy food, move the food that will last longer to the back of the refrigerator.  This trick will allow you to eat your produce, meat, etc. timely, so you will not need to throw out any expired yogurt or brown veggies.

4. Eat leftovers.
If you have food leftover after a meal, put it in a container in the fridge.  And by that, we don't mean to put it there and let it expire.  Eat it the next day for lunch, diner, or even a snack, depending on the portion size. 

5. Donate!
Regularly check your kitchen to see if you can donate any of your food to a shelter or food bank.  Click here to find the one closest to you!

Grady Management, Inc. was founded in 1965 and continues to provide full service residential, commercial and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area. Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.

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