Tuesday, November 4, 2014

You Can Still Conserve Energy in the Winter!

The air is turning colder, the days are getting shorter, and people are putting away their Halloween decorations.  That can only mean one thing- winter is right around the corner! 

If you are interested in living a green life, you might think that it is tough to conserve energy in the winter.  While it can be a challenge, it is possible!  Here are some green tips we have compiled to save you energy during the winter:

1. Check your thermostat

Arguably, a huge amount of the energy used in your home this winter will stem from using heat.  And that makes sense: no one wants to go through winter cold!  However, there are certain ways to reduce the amount of energy used on heat.  For example, setting your thermostat to a temperature you know is comfortable for you, and keeping it on that temperature.  It actually wastes more energy to constantly turn on and turn off your heat instead of keeping it at a constant temperature.  Also, a lot of thermostats now have programmable, energy saving, settings on them; investing in one will ensure that you are living the greenest (and warmest) way possible!

2.  Turn off unnecessary lights

With the days getting shorter, it might be instinctual to turn on as many lamps and other lights the second it gets dark outside.  Turning on unnecessary lights are a huge drain of energy, so try to only turn on the light in the room you are spending time.  Lamps also drain energy even if they are not on, but plugged into the outlet.  Try to unplug lamps and other light sources after you are done with them.

3. Keep your showers and baths short

You might be thinking- this tip is about water conservation, not energy conservation!  However, water heaters are appliances that use energy too!  Even if you live in an apartment and do not have a personal water heater, it is still important to keep in mind that even though an hour long hot bath after scraping ice off your car sounds like a good idea, probably everyone else has the same idea.  Try to reduce energy conservation by sticking to showers and keeping them short.

For more tips on conserving energy in the winter, read the list provided by the Department of Energy.

Grady Management, Inc. was founded in 1965 and continues to provide full service residential, commercial and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area. Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.

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