Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Living Green on a Budget

Do you want to live a green life but are worried about your finances?

This is a common concern.  If you think that the only way to live "green" is to spend a lot of money- you are mistaken.  There are plenty of ways to live a green lifestyle and stay on your budget.  Here are just several:

1) Clean the green way!

Many people don't realize that their home can look immaculately clean by using natural products that already sit in a pantry shelf rather than buying cleaners in a store.  Not only are cleaners expensive, but they often are damaging to the air and water.  Here are some great natural products:
  • White Wine Vinegar: vinegar is excellent for cleaning stains, especially on fabrics!
  • Baking soda: baking soda is great at removing dirt and stains.  Did you know it is also good to mix baking soda with toothpaste to get a sparkling, white smile?
  • Lemon and orange peels: instead of throwing fruit peels away, they are excellent to scrub dirt and grime from pots and pans.

2) Unplug when you leave the house!

In a previous blog, we discussed energy vampires , which is an occurrence where energy is drained from leaving plugs in outlets, even when the appliance is not in use.  One of the easiest ways to live a green life and save money on your electric bill is to remove plugs from outlets prior to leaving the house.  Do you really need your cellphone charger plugged in to the outlet next to your bed all day if your phone is with you? 

3) Make use of natural light!

During this time of year, you are probably switching over to heat.  If you open your curtains or blinds during the day, natural light will heat the house, meaning the thermostat will not, as easily, drop below your desired temperature.  That being said, remember to close your windows!  You don't want any excess cold air seeping into your home- this will definitely drop the temperature in your home.

4) Use less gas and fuel!

This is self explanatory, but don't waste excess gas.  Try to walk or bike whenever possible.  If you already own a bike, this method of transportation is free! 

5) Don't waste the resources you have!

Before going out to eat, check your refrigerator.  If you have leftovers or just bought some groceries, why don't you eat at home instead?  So much food goes to waste when it is left unattended and becomes expired.  Over time, this will save you a lot of money!

Grady Management, Inc. was founded in 1965 and continues to provide full service residential, commercial and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area. Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.

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