Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Love Indoor Plants? Want to Conserve Water? It Can Be Done!

One question we often encounter is how it is possible to properly maintain and care for plants while also trying to conserve as much water as possible.  It definitely can be done, and here are some tricks to caring for indoor plants:
Many homeowners love taking care of potted, indoor plants.

Be sure to care for low-maintenance indoor plants!  Some examples include:

1. Succulents- the easiest houseplants to keep alive. They like dry soil, so they almost beg to be ignored. Generally, they need to be watered every three to four days, but it depends on the humidity in your home. Aloe Vera is a particularly good choice in succulent, because the gel from the leaves can be used in a variety of ways (most notably soothing sunburn). Succulents like sunny spots, and a row of them looks charming in a windowsill.

2. Spider plants are also very easy to care for and notoriously hard to kill. These also do great as hanging plants, which is a bonus if you have pets or small children that can’t resist digging around in soil (or eating leaves). Spider plants can even survive without natural light, so it’s a good choice if you don’t have a particularly sunny home.

3. If you’re looking to add some greenery to your bathroom, a snake plant is a good choice. It does well in a variety of lighting conditions (your bathroom probably isn’t the sunniest) and will love the humid air. Try to water the plant around the edges and avoiding dumping water into the center of the plant.

4. If your entire apartment is low light, a Chinese evergreen could be the plant for you, since it does well in low light. In fact, lots of direct sunlight will burn the leaves, so keep it away from un-shaded windows. Let your evergreen dry out some (not completely!) between waterings.

5. A rubber tree will grow to be a bit larger than the other plants on this list, and probably isn’t the best choice if you’re low on space. A rubber tree has beautiful, glossy leaves and is still easy to care for. They prefer indirect light that isn’t too hot (a window with sheer curtains will do the trick). The leaves can be wiped with a damp cloth if they start to get dusty.

Once you’ve picked out the plants for your home, here are three tips for keeping them green and growing:

1. Plants need drainage: Anything that you use as a pot must have drainage holes in the bottom, otherwise you’ll end up with a rotten plant. Terra cotta pots are cheap, cute, and easy to find in a variety of sizes.

2. Trim away: Dead leaves are a fact of plant life. You’ll need to occasionally pluck off dead leaves to make room for new growth. Some plants, like the spider plant, can be trimmed with scissors.

3. Ice, ice baby: No need to lug a watering can around your apartment to water all of your plants. Plop in an ice cube or two (depending on the size of the plant) and you’re done. The ice cube will melt slowly for maximum absorption and a lot less mess.

These tips received from Apartments.com in their blog.

Grady Management, Inc. was founded in 1965 and continues to provide full service residential, commercial and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area. Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.

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