Get Ready for White Elephant Parties This Season
What is regifting?
Essentially, regifting is the process of giving a received gift to someone else. This is also occasionally called "recycling a gift."
In America, an unofficial holiday "National Regifting Day," takes place the week prior to the Christmas holiday.
What about etiquette? Is it polite or appropriate to regift?
Ultimately, this is up to personal preferences. Some individuals may feel uncomfortable regifting or recycling gifts received during the holiday season. Others may feel this is a great way to give more gifts during the holiday season.
What are some regifting do's and don'ts?
Below, the Grady's GreenLiving Tips team compiled a few tips to help with gift recycling and regifting:
1. The gift should always remain in the original packaging. No one wants to receive a pre-used gift, even if it is an appliance or kitchen item only used once. If regifting this season, ensure that the original packaging is intact and in good condition.